Saturday, June 16, 2007

Minnesota Lakes

Going to our friend's MN cabin for a few days was a dream you want to last longer. K.C. had undergone her first chemo treatment, had to get a son to a swim camp at the U, and couldn't predict how she would feel. Tutu was with us but was up front about driving 40 mph if she had to. I was a decrepit back up; but I was pleased to be chosen and did do a bit of back up driving on our way home, until the dark of night blurred my aging vision.

We spent the first night with P's 91 year old mother in the city. It was love at first sight, just like it was with E.S., our friend in a chariot ie. wheelchair. Sunday morning we went to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. Both K and Tutu wept through the service. K's friends were there from 20 years ago. K was with her tribe. The Crucifer carried in the Cross, hands properly gripping the pole which was pressed into his forehead with such devotion that I too could have wept for the beauty of it. Liturgical, with a Cantor; it was such sweet reverance. Later we would stop to see the Chisago Lutheran Church, built by Swedes in 1802 which was breathtaking in its restoration.

The cabin was restful and restorative. We were not without our medical alarms, however. K had a blood draw which indicated a danagerous white count drop and a need for antibiotics. Her Omaha doctor's office called immediately after the faxed results. Tutu lept upon a flopping sunfish on the dock and got stabbed in the thumb with a fin. When it redlined we took her to emergency, coming home in the dark of night, with the big dipper shining its welcome back.

Tutu sang Bengali songs to us and tried to teach me one of religion making life smooth. A neighbor gave us a pontoon ride around one end of the lake where I made a photo of the old church we looked at.I am going to try put some of the photos on Flickr, there is a nice one of the old Swedish church and the interior of the cabin.

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