Thursday, April 24, 2008

Abundant Days

Yesterday was most pleasant. It began with lunch with former teacher friends; seven of us catching up on the past month. Family events, new baby pictures, city politics, school news. We all worked in Westside High School Library/Media.

The gain was turned up on my hearing aid Tuesday. I will have two more sessions for that before I get to 'normal' hearing in that ear. I love my hearing aid. The new technology tells my Au.D (Doctor of Audiology?) how many hours I have worn it, the noise environment I have been in and automatically adjusts itself for directional input.

If they can put a GPS on an ankle, they could put it in a hearing aid and those elders who wander away from home could be found. Maybe a sweet voice could direct us there through encouragement and 'right and left' or 'north and south,' whichever we grew up with.

He Who Must Be Obeyed took me shopping in the afternoon to take advantage of a good sale. Spring shirts are nice as are two new swim suits. The pool is filling up. About 24 hours ago the hose was turned on and tomorrow some time, it should be full. The weather is cold and we are expecting severe storms during the night. The pool heater will go on a little later on and the outdoor shower will be hooked up.

Today was a joy. The fabric for the couch is in. The yardage for the industrial quilter has been delivered. One side of the seat cushions and the back cushions will be quilted. We have changed the color but the designer's talents will live on with the quilting and the pleating. Conducting personal business is pleasant.

Then there were the phone calls from a son and a high school girl friend. Both bright spots in life that warm my heart. Both will visit this summer with teen aged children.

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