Friday, June 05, 2009

A Bird in the Hand

As I watered and weeded the front yard yesterday afternoon, I heard a little chirping/quacking and from the old Maple in the middle of the yard came two little duckling fledgelings. I could hardly believe my eyes. We are in the middle of Omaha, any kind of water is not near, unless our small pool in the back qualifies.

I scooped the two babies up and brought them into the house to display my marvelous find. Sure enough flat little beaks and webbed little feet. Just like a five year old, I thought that I should have little ducks. He Who Must Be Obeyed gave me the wise advice that not only did the little ducks need a mother duck, the mother duck needed her babies.

We turned them loose near where I was weeding and Mother Duck came flying in to gather them and hide them in the corner.

The sweet little neighbor girl came over with gloves on to help me weed under the Hews and as she went down the row she spotted the ducks. I had told her my duckling story and pointed out the hole in the Maple which had obviously been their nest. Off she went for her camera and her mother. The photos were shared. It hadn't even occurred to me to photograph them when I had two in the hand instead of one in the bush.

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