Monday, July 09, 2007

Family Reunions

Finns and Norwegians have different ways of celebrating families. Oh, we Finns are so solemn and serious. Our reunion started with coffee and pulla, then church and communion. We filled the little rural church front to back and we were so grateful to gather this way. The ladies of the church prepared our meal. In a new community center couples married over 50 years were recognized, door prizes were drawn, and the Finnish dance music began. We bonded with long lost cousins not seen for three years.

An aunt and cousin took me to my hometown for a couple days of blissful amazement. One highlight was spending some time with a bone hunter cousin who showed us his latest triceratops find. He was the finder of the T-Rex Stan in the Hell Creek formation in the Cave Hills, Harding County, South Dakota. You can check it out in Hill City, SD at the Black Hills Institute of Geological Research, Inc.

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