Sunday, July 13, 2008

INFP and Lonliness

What in the world is a person to do with THIS? Too much of it is all too true. I have dabbled in ten or eleven of those favored careers; not as careers but as activities at one time or another. I did work as a librarian, television production teacher and have done a fair amount of video editing. And put together a couple of books and wrote a few poems, taken a few photographs.

I concentrate on those things that make me happy because the other side of the coin is painful and there isn't much to be very optimistic about. Daydreaming is just a bad habit. Wounded at the core is close to home. A hermit.

Poor, pitiful INFPs. Some person from Finland googled my subject and sent me off into this. I am going to go bake a cake, not on impulse, but it is a plan and if I preheat the oven I will have to follow through.

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