Monday, November 03, 2008

The FinnFlyer

The finnflyer was here for lunch today. There is always a bright spot in life. We were going to pick him up from the airport where he landed and tied down the plane he was piloting and take him to some lovely Omaha eatery. It was not to be as I am again in the midst of the vertigo and staying close to the walls, or the couches. He Who Must Be Obeyed picked him up and brought him home where we had a nice visit with lunch and without the clatter of restaurants, or a mad rush to get him back again for his flight to California and home. Pilots have a lot of fun in life, see places and people one only imagines, have close calls with weather, and live out of a suitcase or a flight bag. He barely survived a plane crash and was on the Air Force Radio station in Thailand during the Viet Nam war...our conversation drifted that direction for a little while.

We are both emigrants from our home town, a part of the Harding County, SD brain drain, the pilot and the librarian left to make the world a better place. There are times that I wonder what my life would be like had I never left there. I cannot understand why that place has such a pull on my heartstrings. Cosmic loneliness is once again oppressive and I long for the thin place where God is close and I am content and breathless from sheer joy.

My days are dizzy, somewhat downhearted, I can't eat and my steel trap mind has turned to mush. I am readying myself for a disappointing day tomorrow as I remind myself that God uses broken people as well as the 'right minded' ones. The question is just which broken duo is the American public going to choose? I think I know but it won't stop me from being a good citizen. Young Citizen's League, YCL, taught us what it means to be a good citizen.

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