Monday, October 26, 2009

So Long Vista

Pears, pears, pears!

The treetop windfalls are large and beautiful; He Who Must Be Obeyed canned five more quarts this morning, 59 quarts total. It is a cozy, thrifty, and satisfying feeling to have such activity in the kitchen.

Book TV has been interesting this weekend with a great deal of time given to the Accuracy in Media people.  Having almost a minor in Journalism way back when absolute objectivity was the goal for good news writers, what I see and read is almost unbelievable...literally.

The vitriol between our government leaders is dismaying to me. Exchanging ideas before passing bills is, and always has been, a good idea. The name calling and apparent lack of listening and thinking about all sides of a situation disturbs me.

I am about to say "So long to Vista". I ordered a Windows 7 upgrade from Amazon yesterday. The last time I worked on my Liz Book, the computer crashed to black twice in one day. It will be interesting to see if this new operating system will put an end to that. I must say that Vista captured and repaired what I was working on. To think that over two years work could be wiped out in a Vista moment is more than I can bear to think about.  Of course I have it backed up.  Actually I have so many copies so many places it is getting a little confusing.

After my heart stopping occurrence in May, I am determinedly working on keeping my stress level down. I have never been real good at that, mouse that I am and holding peace and quiet too highly, I agonize over too many things that I can't change. But I can change my operating system, if not my own modus operandi.

1 comment:

Hildred said...

I hope to hear more about Windows 7 Willo, - I am seriously thinking about it and hoping it might be easier to cope with than Vista.

I do like your new profile picture, - and understand how much you appreciate that help in the kitchen, - satisfying to use up the windfalls.