Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bring on the Bees

Bring on the bees!  There was a time in my life that I never gave a bee a second thought unless I mistakenly thought it was a wasp.  It is amazing how when one thinks some thing is endangered, they get very important.  Bees are life itself.

We spray the pear tree after the blossoms drop and after the pollinators have done their work.  I appreciate the work of bees or whatever else spreads the stuff of life around.

I once had a little ornamental pepper houseplant  that I needed to use a little paint brush and do the task myself,  flower by flower.  I miss that little spot of red in my houseplant collection. At the moment six African violets bloom near my windows.  They are the offspring from the plants my mother started from leaves the year she died, 1996.  She made mulch on her own windowsill in the assisted living facility she lived in for about five years.  When I stopped to do her hair, I often got to see the progress of the last banana peel in the small plastic bag. It never smelled of anything but rich moist loam.  I still don't know how she managed it.  My attempts turned to white mold and horrible stenches.

1 comment:

Cordelia said...

It is amazing that you already have blooms in a place that, to me, feels like out there,whereas we sit, bloomless though the weather is warming and the sun more steady. Maybe I should look around...