Sunday, November 19, 2006


This morning I woke up to Grace Matters, which is perhaps my most favored radio program. Sleeping through it isn't the loss it once was as I can go online and listen to them at any time. "Thankful Beyond Understanding" was today's broadcast. "This program’s reflection speaks to the joy contained in one of Loder’s prayers of thanksgiving, in a week when Americans are remembering what it means to live thankfully".

My simple little photo is of my current table decoration. The tiny evergreens came home in a water bottle from the top of the Big Horns the day after Labor Day. A dear sister in law cut out the leaves and painted them on the gourd in 1999 and the pears were picked by a son in September. The last of them have ripened now between newspapers in a box in the refrigerator. Each item a memory ripe with gratitude.

Living thankfully. That is a good mantra.

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