Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Simply Magazines

In the olden days when I was up to my knees in babies, five of my own and a newborn I cared for during the school year, my escape was to put at least half of them down for a nap and I would open a magazine and wish for things I would never have.  Some escape that was; but I thought it was at the time.  Sometimes a catalog would creep into my escape.  Fredrick's of Hollywood about killed our mail man as he would stumble over the obstacles in his way as he delivered mail door to door.

But back to my point which is that I discovered Google's magazine site.  It looks marvelous.  I simplified my life a few years ago by letting all of my magazine subscriptions expire except for two, my Lutheran Women Today and the South Dakota Magazine.  But here at the Google site, I can read at my leisure, don't have to save them up for a few years and then recycle them, and I have so many to choose from.  Actually that news came from Tip Hero: Your Guide to Saving Money.

Speaking of simplifying my life, I picked up round, square, oblong, small, large and assorted crocheted doilies from under every thing on the flat surfaces in my house.  I think I heard somewhere that this was the modern way, so I am trying it for a while.  I can't throw them away, of course, I might have to put them under everything again in the future.  When a person amuses themselves by these means it points obviously to a person that needs to get a life.

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