Saturday, November 13, 2004

Annoying WalMart and Funny Dreams

We just got home from WalMart. Every time I go, which is as seldom as possible, I swear I will never set foot in one of those places again. The front door looked like the back alley back door of an inner city warehouse. It is Omaha's newest WalMart. How crazy is that?

I observed the young guy checking people out and he nailed a couple who were trying to get off with a $17.00 CD lying flat in the bottom of the cart they were wheeling off. He was good, authoritive, and sent them back in to pay for it. He was one assertive guy in a wheel chair. I was waiting for He Who Must Be Obeyed to check out and mentioned to the other woman at the door what a good job he did. "He has been with us four years," she said. At the rate he was going he was more than making up for his wages. It was the best thing of the day.

We blabbed at our circle meeting this morning at church instead of really getting into the parable of forgiving. I needed to talk about that, because my daughter cannot forgive me for my past transgressions. The more she cannot forgive me the more annoyed I get at her. We are on a vicious circle with this maddening unforgiveness. A few months ago I got a four page letter in the mail from her detailing all my failings as a mother and as a person since she was very small. Now she is very large and my transgressions have increased with her size and age. I should not have read the letter, and I should have burned it after I did. Maybe I won't read it again. Or maybe I should when I get to thinking I am too perfect. There they are, God and my daughter keeping track of me for the reckoning. From her it came before my death. The deadly it is hell to pay. I hope it isn't going to be pay now and pay later.

I had a good thing happen. I woke myself up laughing out loud last night. I laughed so hard I got into that snorting sort of laughing. I had the funniest dream and thought I would remember it forever I can't recall it at all. All I can remember is the laughs. Really funny dreams. How good is that!

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