Thursday, December 30, 2004


This morning as I was in the shower, listening to public radio's Studio 360 where I caught little half paragraphs of an interview about Solomon Rushdi. Somewhere in the stream of water and words I heard Curt Anderson, I believe, say the word "shapeshifter." Sometimes a word just slams up against my forehead and hangs on for a half a day..more maybe. I hunted around on Google for a definition, typed it into GuruNet, and went into Alltheweb and came up with a few citations but no definition. I finally found what I was looking for on Yahoo.

It seems like Tony Hillerman wrote of Shapeshifters, maybe in "The Skinwalkers."

I feel a little like a Shapeshifter today, but I can't figure out why as my corporal self has an opportunity to go help with a church mailing in 15 minutes.

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