Wednesday, May 03, 2006

To Know Thyself

"Know Thyself." This famous Greek maxim is attributed to any number of ancient Greek philosophers, including the great Socrates.

The quest for the meaning of life is foremost in one's mind, if one cares a snap for it; the second and more valuable is, "Search others for their virtues, thyself for thy vices." -- Benjamin Franklin. That is almost too exhausting for words.

Self examination is painful and incomplete. Forty days of Lent are too short for it. Embarrassing oneself helps a little bit for a short time, as does humiliation which lasts longer. Being told outright how pathetic you are keeps a person humble, but unfortunately that old shield of defense always seems to be right there. Too bad it can't be dropped as easily as it can be picked up.

Old Benjamin had it right. I don't think he wrote a self help book to go with his pointed little maxim. All I recall from his autobiography, which seems to be a self-help book for life, is not to sleep your life away.

It isn't easy to listen to criticism and think about your critic's virtues.

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