Thursday, September 27, 2007


Hildred of daybyday is an amazing blogger from British Columbia, Canada. I have had an error to her link. I believe she is of such consequence that I spent a bit of time this morning trying to correct it. I believe I have. It works for me now and I hope it does for you as well. Sorry Hildred.


Hildred said...

Hi Willo - I found your wonderful Blog, and have enjoyed reading your stories and marveling at your beautiful pictures of the Harvest Moon. Thank you for re-establishing a link to daybyday - I will be hanging around and looking forward to your writings.

Willo said...

Hildred! This is good. Thank you for taking a moment to look over my blog.

You and Husband are so very remarkable. You are just what we would hope to become in a few years.

Forty-four years ago Bryce and I with four babies drove through Penticton on our way to Prince George, BC.

We were so taken with the country, the beauty, the fruit, and the people; we will never forget it.