Saturday, June 06, 2009

Young Cowboy Wins in Winner, SD

How sweet it is when a young cowboy wins the lottery. This is all the sweeter as he lives in one of the poorest parts of America. The write up in the Rapid City Journal warms the heart and we rejoice with this family.

Doris Haveman, who works at Klein School, the country school where Wanless attended from kindergarten through 8th grade, said he went to college but eventually returned home to the ranch. "He was a very likable student," Haveman said. He was a well-behaved kid, very well behaved."


Gwen Eschliman said...

An update on young Mr. Wanless, the lottery winner came from our mutual cousin, Orville E. Some of the lottery money was spent on farm/ranch land on the Belle Fourche River east of Vale! That land was owned by three of our adjoining neighbors when Dad farmed the Homestake place. Yeah! The community of Vale past and present are pretty excited about his choosing to drop 4 mil. in that area! Gwen

Willo said...

What wonderful news! I wonder if he plans to move to the area himself. It will be interesting to see how he might impact that small community.