Friday, March 12, 2010

A Beautiful Son

This morning we attended the Mass of Christian Burial for my friend's son, Father Dan.  He was the same age as our own sons, taken down with an eight year battle with cancer.  He lives on, in memories, more alive than last month, last week.  He was loved.

This Lutheran loves Liturgy.  We experienced it in its most glorious worship.  It was good to go back to the liturgy I learned as a child and young person.  The First Reading, the Responsive Psalm, the Second Reading, led by nephews. The Gospel read and the Homily given by a local Priest who went to seminary with Fr. Dan.

The chancel was filled with two Archbishops, and what looked to be a hundred Priests all in white. The Chamber Singers, who he sang with at the Seminary at the College of St. Thomas in St. Paul, MN were here to sing him home in clear lovely accapella.

The faithful men in white robes and albs lined the way to the hearse singing again in Latin; an honor guard for one of their own.

1 comment:

Hildred said...

This Anglican loves Liturgy too - we get very little of it these days. A sad occasion, but what a fitting and beautiful farewell for a loved one.