Monday, April 12, 2010

Happy to be Alive

I marvel at how thrilling it is to enjoy the arrival of warm weather and see the flowering bulbs and trees, even the grass looks greener in my own yard.  I am thankful that I live in a place that enjoys the seasons as they return.  My pear is blooming and if we don't get a freeze we will have pears to can again.  I am so happy to be experiencing another spring.  I told my primary care physician today that we had a wonderful winter.  We did, I worked on my book and He Who.... memorized Spanish words and worked at playing the guitar.

The three lilacs in large containers are showing purple even if the back yard rabbit had a few munches on the lower stems.  It was the never ending snow that prompted him to eat the bittersweet stems right down to the ground.  I have high hopes that they will grow back with renewed vigor.  Surely their root systems are hardy after these years.

And the pool is filling after weeks of hard long labor.  A son came to help with the concrete wall repair.  It will take a couple of days to fill it.  Life is good.

1 comment:

Hildred said...

Me too, - happy to be alive! Welcome to spring....