Friday, April 01, 2011


This is my song gospel christian songs free mp3 midi download

Our Lenten Services at Holy Cross conclude with the Lord's Prayer "Living Words" sung to Sibelius' Finlandia. It is so beautiful it is painful. Our retired pastor, Vernon Jacobs, wrote the arrangement. It was sung at his funeral by the local Lutheran Brotherhood Chorus.

Our Father God residing now in heaven. Hallowed be thy name forever more. Thy Kingdom come, Thy holy will be done__on earth as it is surely done in heav'n. Give us this day our daily bread, O give us__that we may live in health and strength to serve.
To thee O God we come our sins confession. Forgive us Lord as others_we forgive. And lead us not into temptations pathways but from all evil guide us all our days. For the dominion power and the glory are Thine for ever and ever, A men.


Hildred said...

Beautiful Willo, - I sing it in my mind as I read. It is such a poignant tune and I can imagine tears at your pastor's funeral.

Willo said...

Thanks for your comment.

Cordelia said...

Ah, amazing. I don't have as good an imagination as Hildred, and wish I could hear the arrangement. Even if I can't sing the words along in my head, I can imagine them to the music, if that makes any sense.