Monday, March 02, 2009

Dow Falls Below 6800

According to the Wall Street Journal stocks on the DOW are down 52.25% from its high on Oct. 9, 2007. Does it make me want to go upstairs and throw myself from the window there? Not yet, probably never. Our Oracle from Omaha entertained his stockholders this past weekend. That poor guy lost billions on a long shot on oil which is down to around $40 a barrel today.

There are ways to hold on to the loose change in our pockets and the bill$ in the bank. My Grandmother would be proud of us baking bread every week, making chicken soup, and eating beans. Well, to be honest, I sort of wish that my cook, HWMBO, would add a few more recipes to his menu. My Mother would not believe that we are eating oatmeal for dinner. No not instant. Yes, nearly nightly.

This is a personal challenge and as it is self imposed, not unpleasant...yet. Good thing for all those grocery savings, my dental bill this week is close to a thousand. Old teeth can be a pain in the pocket book. We are loving this financial challenge.

I listened to the best interview on C-Span last night. "Info: Our guest is Matthew Continetti who writes for The Weekly Standard. His most recent article "The Age of Irresponsibility" outlines his thoughts on political and moral corruption. He writes, "There are moments when it seems as though every figure who waltzes across the public stage is a cheat, a fraud, a liar, or a failure."

What a remarkable mind 27 year old Matthew Continetti has. I thought maybe his kind were extinct. He did not fall for the University teaching of what he called "Liberal Speak," but he knew he had to use it to get grades. Imagine that, a young man that did not fall for the myth. I could hardly believe my ears. He is reviled, satirized, and denigrated by the liberal left.


Hildred said...

Thank you Willo.

A touch of reality, and encouraging in the younger generation.

Will it spread?

Cordelia said...

I'll have to look at him and what he has to say. But, bummer, Willo, I'm pretty sure I am the liberal left, or at least the liberal center, if there is such a thing. Anyone who gets out there and says s/he had to "play liberal" for grades cheated him or herself out of a real education. There are excellent conservative thinkers, and I hope this young guy is one of them. But there is another kind, and his remarks suggest it, who grandstand about liberal universities and professors, and who would be quite surprised to discover the conservative views of many of their professors. From what I've seen of the academic community, there is a funny mix: many of them seem --are--- are politically liberal on social issues, at least in the sense of upholding the ideal of positive freedoms ("freedom to"), but frame their personal lives in what would be called more conservative viewpoints. I think going after "Liberal Speak" is a rhetorical device a simple appeal ad populum. A deeply conservative friend of mine, Mr. Continetti's age, may be part of a split within the Right (if that is how Continetti sees himself): he sees these divisive issues (such as abortion, but even differing views on affirmative action) as "heart matters," i.e. matters of conscience that the society we legislate should permit one to exercise, but without impinging on the freedom of others to do the same, a classic plea for negative freedoms, i.e. "freedom from." So I'll be curious to see if there is more to Continetti than waving the matador's flag and yelling "Liberal," as I have always found your commentary and judgements to be so thoughtful. Sigh. Do you think this is where we can all come together ? On "heart matters ?" I like that phrase. I hope I've not used your comments section as a soap box. Thank you for letting me think things through here a bit.