Thursday, March 30, 2006

Necessary Procrastination

Prof. John Maeda at the MIT Media Lab writes a profound INFP explaination for "Necessary Procrastination" on March 29, 2006. Of course I am just guessing about the INFP part. I have a link to his blog at the right, Simplicity.

He states: "The more you overcommit, the more that procrastination becomes intolerably expensive to engage..yet it is when procrastination becomes exceedingly costly to do, it is then that extreme (underlined) creativity emerges. "Necessary procrastination" is a prime factor in the creative process."

All of this time I had great guilt when I spend time thinking instead of doing. Prof. Maeda is absolutely correct in the profundity of those radical new thoughts coming at you from out of the blue.

The work ethic I grew up with, our USA educational style of teaching and learning, and living with an engineer, Libra born even, can make a person such as myself feel very out of sync with the world. Marcus Borg had something to to say about the lonliness aspect of it also.

I don't know how in the world I can live in a marriage, in a family, or in our society when it is extremely difficult to figure out the small bug that I am. Understanding the way others see the big picture nearly does me in.

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