Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Men Smarter than Women, Scientist Claims

"Check out this Reuters dispatch from Norwich, England:

(In part) Men may have developed a psychology that makes them particularly able to engage in wars, a scientist said on Friday.

New research has shown that men bond together and cooperate well in the face of adversity to protect their interests more than women, which could explain why war is almost exclusively a male business, according to Professor Mark van Vugt of the University of Kent in southern England.

"Men respond more strongly to outward threats, we've labeled that the 'man warrior effect,' " he told the British Association for the Advancement of Science meeting.

"Men are more likely to support a country going to war. Men are more likely sign up for the military and men are more likely to lead groups in more autocratic, militaristic ways than women," he added."

Hmmm? This is one of the little items from WSJ.com Opinion Journal Best of the Web Today.

The Man Warrior Effect is an interesting explaination for the rise in the noise level in my life.

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