Saturday, September 09, 2006

Ten Sleeps to Ten Sleep

From Buffalo, SD to Buffalo, WY and back to Omaha. Road trips are fun. Ten Sleep, WY is an interesting little town to visit. We spent time with relatives, classmates, and at the South Dakota Magazine office. Everyone was a friend and a joy to see and talk to.

We hung reproductions of two of my dad's paintings in the Buffalo, SD Museum and will take two more next year. We brought back a painting of a herd of buffalo that has gone to an Omaha photo shop to reproduce. It is in need of restoration. I have no idea of restorers in Omaha but need to do some research soon. I suppose Joslyn Art Museum, where I volunteered for over a decade, is the place to start. They have those skilled people on staff, but I don't know if they moonlight.

I was happy to go and to get home again. I have a great deal to be extremely thankful for. It doesn't hurt to think about that side of our lives occasionally. I am trying to be happy right now for the rain; with the 90 degree pool out my back door, I am wavering. The rain isn't putting me off as much as the chance of lightening striking me. I got the smallest electric shock from a faulty plug on a lamp last night that left my palm blackened. Do you think if a person got struck by lightening in a pool they would be boiled alive?

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