Saturday, January 31, 2009

Opposite Attraction?

"Easter had always struck Fogel as a holiday without real punch, though there was, among the more vivid of his childhood memories, a magical peep into a big sugar egg; it had been at his aunt's house, in Connecticut, where the houses seemed cleaner than in New Jersey, the people wealthier, the daffodils a brighter yellow."

Wen I got to the bottom of the first page: "Fogel was sixty-two, and felt retirement drawing closer. In the daily rub he discovered all sorts of fresh reasons for irritation..." He Who Must Be Obeyed asked me "Do you really like this?" There was a sting to the question and I knew there was no right answer. I thought for a while before I said, "Yes." It was apparent that he had no time for such stuff. I find my own fresh reason for irritation. I thought to myself, I will just keep my reading skills to myself. Elder bonding be hanged.

Maybe it is too much winter. I am desperate for something to divert my mind and get it off of my Lumbar Spine. Last year's histories do no do it right now. "If you want me to read to you, you choosed a book." John Updike's Short Easter was not his cup of tea.

1 comment:

Hildred said...

Long winter,
Too much togetherness,
I'm with you there......