Wednesday, September 01, 2010

A Bird in the Hand

Not only did I have a bird in my hand, I had it in a bug cage while it recovered from hitting our glass storm door.  I found the little yellow bellied wren on its back on the cement with a menacing cardinal watching it from atop the bird feeder.  I should have taken a photo of it.  It was so beautiful and small.  I gave it a few minutes to recover and freed it in the back yard.  It is a rare opportunity to have a bird in the hand.

As long as I can recall, I have had an affinity for a furry or feathered bundle with a beating heart.  Our morning started out with this pink nosed and toed pear eater.  After I got a picture of him, he went off to the humane society to be released a thousand feet/yards from his capture address.  It sounds like a revolving door to me, but maybe he will avoid this unpleasant experience.  I can't say I much liked his looks, but the flies did.
 Mouth open and showing teeth, it drooled.  So very unpleasant and unappealing.

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