Tuesday, July 13, 2004


I am certainly hoping Blogspot doesn't murder its blogs. I am just getting the hang of this while other bloggers have run out of something to say. I can't imagine that. If one took the number of words in an English dictionary and started combining varous sentences using the infinite variy of ways one could do that, a person could go on till Kingdom Come.

Which reminds me of the Borg book. For lots of folks the Kingdom has come and for lots of others it will happen at death, or maybe not.

The sexuality study discussion was a little less heated last night than in the past. Maybe it was the heat and humidity having its affect on everyone there. Maybe there are too many "either/or" issues or "never could be" situations. Some congregations are already getting ready to bail out if anything changes from the status quo. The Synodical Guide is helpful in some instances, as is the Bible, and in other instances both are as clear as mud. I say that, lacking the gift of discernment.

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