Monday, February 13, 2006

The Devil is in the Details

"Even the grandest project depends on the success of the smallest components. This version of the proverb often implies that the details might cause failure. A more positive version is "God is in the details," a saying often attributed to the archetect Le Corbusier." He was a 20th Century French city planner known for designing buildings with unusual curves and unconventional shapes." Gurunet and my, ever there, sources of information.

The book is an embarrassment. It would be easy blame it on those tempting templates in MS Word. The blame is entirely mine, for looking for an easy way, and not reading manuals. The hiccups and errors in the final printing are irritating. I need to get over it. Iimperfections get in the way of the viewer or reader. The last thing a person would do is purposely annoy a reader.

The book annoys me, like a baby, so sweet after a bath and two hours later it needs changing.

1 comment:

Steve Goble said...

That's a very inciteful similie.

Ironing-out the creases in any creation often takes longer than expected - I guess the key is to be ready for them, both before and after others have read it.

If your blog's any guide, it'll be a great book!

Steve. :)