Friday, February 24, 2006

A Sad Day

In 18 minutes the funeral for a grandson of a dear friend and cousin will begin. It is sad indeed. I am grateful for one very large thing; governors in South Dakota and Wisconsin have signed laws restricting the hateful picketing at the funerals of Iraq soldiers. Small solace, albeit very important.

The funeral will be officiated by another cousin. Life and death become such a tangled web.

This young father didn't die in Iraq; but he did spend a good deal of time there seeking and dismantling land mines. He leaves three little children fatherless and a host of distraught relatives. "Burial with military honors in the Black Hills National Cemetery."

His death could have brought out the sleazy Topeka families with their hate signs and slogans; I see by the news that they are busy in Minnesota. They did their dirty deed in South Dakota long enough. WE BLOG addresses the issue of free speech this morning. I am not, however, painting this with a wide brush. There are fine people in Kansas and I love them a lot. Some, however, are horrid.


Steve Goble said...

Very sorry to hear of your loss

I lost my aunt 3 weeks ago, and sadly I obviously had to miss the funeral.


Willo said...

Thanks for your kind comment, Steve. Death is hard. But easier for people of faith. You are sweet to read and post.