Thursday, August 18, 2005

Good News/Bad News

My bad news is that a beloved pastor is leaving St. Tim's. The good news is that he is about to become the senior pastor of another Lutheran church not too far away. The best news of all is finding out that the church he is going to has a Saturday service. It is something like having your cake and eating it too. We will remain faithful worshippers at St. Timothy's; but I can see going to Holy Cross on Saturday evenings.

Envisioning how the world works and how it will work in six months can be as unlike as fraternal twins.

I have made motel reservations in my home town for the upcoming Harding County Historical Tour of the Cave Hills where both my maternal and fraternal grandparents homesteaded and built the church that closed its doors last year. The emphasis will be on the Finnish Immigrant history of that area.

I need to get some leather Keds, rattlesnakes and cactus, you know. Maybe I should drag out the high top lace boots. A son will pilot us there, weather permitting.

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