Saturday, August 20, 2005

O! Grecian Festival

If the O! were New Times Roman it would be the Omaha logo.

Saint John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church hosted a city-wide festival complete with a band from Chicago, young dancers from their congregation, Greek foods and desserts, and beer. It was on the Missouri River at the Lewis and Clark Landing.

We have attended several of these over the years. He Who Must Be Obeyed got a kiss for his entrance fee. He was mighty disappointed that I didn't see it. He thinks every Greek girl is a goddess. I have news for him, those young dancers are a sight for sore eyes. Two of them lived up to the name of the troop, the Olympians.

We ate and I stalked the dancers and the audience with a camera. Photographers are all the same; they are as obnoxious at Grecian Festivals as they are at weddings. If you haven't hidden your introverted self behind a camera you haven't lived. I almost feel invisible.

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