Sunday, August 28, 2005

The Red Tent

He Who Must Be Obeyed is enduring listening to this former children's librarian read to him again. He is shocked and sometimes tells me "that is enought for today," as I read "The Red Tent" to him. It is a pleasant enough time for me as we are each stetched out in our similar recliners; which are more like big beds, it seems. They look out to the street if the front door is open, eliminating the appearance of living in a cave; and I am not nearly so shocked at the treatment of women in the time of Jacob. I am shocked at the treatment of women in the Third World of some women in the western world today

Life is pleasantly eventful, even with out a Grecian Festival. We have the three chicks to tend, little dinosaurs, I call them. I was hoping for a hen. They all apperar to be cockrels. Will we eat them or send them to the farm, with the rest of the hatch? That remains to be determined.

Because we have wild life in the middle of Omaha, we bring them in for the night and catching them is a thing to behold. It isn't a pretty sight to watch, but is good for hilarity, and they say that laughing is good for a person. We have learned that the darker it is the easier they are to put into the box.

Because of the threatening wildlife, He Who Must Be Obeyed went to the humane society to rent a live trap. On the first setting last night he caught an opposom and released it at the humane society cages. He can bring all he can trap in a week. I know we have a racoon as I can tell by the muddy tracks around the pool. And the squirrels have harvested almost all the pears, so we are hoping to relocate them also.

A funny thing just happened. We caught one of the dinosaurs in the trap that was baited with a peanut butter 'sandwich.'

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