Saturday, April 05, 2008

A Good Sabbath ...Saturday

Today was one of those perfect spring days, at the end of which, you enjoy the very thought of the accomplishments, though small, nonetheless rewarding. A son helped me plant a birch clump in a pot, and he helped me rake and bag up the back yard pine needles. He said there is still ice in some places under them. It was pleasant duty and looks nice. It is supposed to rain tonight so perhaps the ferns and hostas will start to show themselves.

Then there is always Saturday evening church services, seeing friends, singing and responding in the liturgy, a thoughtful sermon, familiar hymns, the prayers, the lessons and Gospel. I should have been a Nun. He Who Must Be Obeyed takes our dear elder friend E., in a wheel chair, to the communion rail. Tonight he bumped her into two rows of pews on the way back to our seats.

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