Wednesday, December 08, 2004

A Cheap Goose

A while back I listed the things that make Finns happy. A clean upstairs could do it. He Who Must Be Obeyed told me I had to go upstairs and look at it. I haven't been up there for two or three years,but with some coersion, hints at compromise, and half promises, I was pursuaded to give it a look. it was worse than I had envisioned.

I could keep busy for weeks up there, but maybe with his muscles and my brilliance for organizing we could do it in two days. I am not kidding about my organizing. I think I am an organizing genius, but I don't have the muscles to go with it. Next to being organized my second quality surely is stubbornness. Without that hint of compromise, I wouldn't have got two steps in that direction in this lifetime.

No, I am not going to chip away at anyone's faults. I recognize my own and probably have enough Lutheran guilt to cover them. I am not going to have everything my own way here. It doesn't matter. I actually said out loud, "I will get rid of all the old Christmas decorations, if we can work together on the rest of it." He grabbed that bait and I am not letting him off the hook. Cleanliness is happiness.

The Master of the Garage, He Who Must Be Obeyed, has a little compulsive/obsessive problem with garage sales. Did I call it a fault? He had a cloth, stuffed goose up there, some of the cotton coming out of a seam. I picked it up and looked it over; he told me he told the lady at the garage sale "that $2 goose is the cheapest goose I ever got."

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