Thursday, December 02, 2004

On Wanting a Dog

How dumb is it to want a dog? I can't find a Standard Poodle in Omaha. That is exactly what I want. The Nebraska Agricultural Department placed a whole bunch of Chihuahuas into our local Humane Society a couple days ago. They had closed down a puppy mill somewhere in the state and were placing dogs and cats with ringworm where ever there was room. Maybe I should go to see if there might be a poodle in the bunch.

I need a beating heart in the house that I can boss around. A cat would be nice, but I have a son that is alergic to them. It would be rude to get one.

He Who Must Be Obeyed helped me prepare the church worship center this morning. I didn't quite know what to make of that. I will be on my own Sunday, communion at 8:00 and in the afternoon when we have the ordination service of our Music Director who has gone on to become more. I will set up the intinction for that and clear after. It will be nice to hear the Bishop. I am glad for Jennifer.

I will be alone again. This is why I am getting serious about a dog.

1 comment:

Willo said...

Cave Hills Kid? Now who would that possibly be!