Saturday, December 11, 2004

Saturday Morning Miracle

There are only five of us in Miriam Circle. I think of us as unencumbered by convention. When we started meeting to do the Lutheran Woman Today Bible Study, we agreed that we are not messing with food, we meet at church so we do not have to clean house, we try to be finished in an hour. I thank God for each one of these women and our second Saturday of the month meeting.

This morning we observed Advent with prayers, candles, and singing by the light of one candle. I have come to love our study together and the intimacy we have. Our study centered on the Five Wise and Five Foolish Virgins. Advent is my favorite month of the church year. It has gone beyond my childish waiting, my hurried mother preparations, to this, my more purposeful expectation of Peace on Earth.

When we concluded, my altar guild partner and I prepared communion for two services tomorrow. It was a quiet, reverent way to prepare for the Third Advent Sunday. I am so blessed to have had parents, friends, and congregations keeping me grounded over the years. I could never have done it alone.

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