Monday, December 20, 2004

Winter Solstice

One day to the shortest day of the year in our northern hemisphere. Tomorrow is truly the dark day of winter. Isn't it a little strange that on the second day of winter the days actually start getting longer? I have enjoyed the darkness this year. Why hurry the days away?

How cozy it is to snuggle under the down comforter while listening to the litany of the morning news people. I find IMUS rude and insulting, but the rest of them are like old friends, some sappy, some tolerable, some enjoyable. Do you find the Network people standing outside in the cold a little crazy. The shouting crowd annoys me so much I switch channels. The CSPAN Washington people are my favorites, no commercials, no opinion except for the guests, and reading the various morning paper headlines is the best. I miss Brian Lamb already. If Tom Brokow from my home state weren't such a blazing liberal I would have liked him better. I used to think I was a conflicted Lutheran, maybe I am a conflicted Republican. He Who Must Be Obeyed would bristle at that statement. He actually emailed our Nebraska Mr. Hagel over his comments on Rumsfield yesterday morning. But I am not going there.

Christmas. This year I love it more than ever. I like all the lights except my neighbors gaudy flashing display. Last night we talked about renting some snow thower to come and make snow for our Christmas. How fun would it be to just fill up our yard with snow, front and back so high that the driveway would have to be plowed out. I think that would be the best thing. We laughed ourselves to sleep over that idea last night. We won't have snow this year.

I am missing fruit cake. I think I would enjoy a slice of mince meat pie. Bourbon balls would be good, I haven't had them since I retired. One of my co-workers made them every year. Maybe just a little bourbon would do the trick. No, no eggnog. Irish Creme would be good. A Chia Pet would be nice. Nope, never had one.

Everyday the Christmas greetings from old friends and family come pouring in. Getting the mail is great. Our mailman took about a hundred with him this morning for every where including Canada. If I hadn't gotten some help with them, I would be doing them night and day alone. The in-law reunion is next summer so He Who Must Be Obeyed mailed about a hundred and fifty yesterday to his relatives everywhere including Norway. Thanks to the good old US Postal System. It makes life happy and handy.

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