Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Givers and the Takers

My sons make comments regarding how Jesus-like their dad is. He certainly isn't afraid to take on the problems of the underclass in our family. People that suffer mental illness and brain damage cannot or will not work; that leads to desperate situations in families in of lower economic situations.

Desperate situations are gut wrenching. Without resources people's children are removed, they live in poverty, filth, and hopelessness. Can life be made better for a dear niece that has suffered so much in her 50 years? Her parents were killed in a New Year's Eve car wreck. Three young drunks hit them head on and lay in the morgue with them that night all waiting for someone to come identify them. A baby under two years old in a coma in the hospital for three months with no parents, no siblings, only uncles, aunts, and cousins; all of them busy with their own cares and concerns. It is so easy to turn aside and forget; it is so easy to forget.

He Who Must Be Obeyed has a challenge this week. He will wade through the piles of dirty clothes and take them to the laundry. He will scrub toilets and wash dishes; he will lay out plans for a better future and make demands that will fall on angry and unhearing ears. He will spend time with social service people and try to help sort out the demands of Family Court judgements. It is indeed a Holy Week, one of great 'com' passion and one of difficult choices. And he will make a difference.

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