Sunday, January 20, 2008

Monkey's Fist by Grog

We all know when it is time to get a life. Here I am fooling around on the Internet thinking I need a piece of rope so I can bedazzle my friends by my knot tying ability. A Monkey's Fist would charm the socks off of a five year old, don't you think? The header on the home page indicates this site or CD is something for Yachtsmen; Climbers; Fishermen; Scouts; Arborists; and Search & Rescue Workers. Not a word about gma's trying to charm little boys and girls.

I asked He Who Must Be Obeyed why they taught Boy Scouts how to tie knots. "They are life saving," was his matter of fact answer. Or not, in the explanation of the granny knot and the better square knot there was a disclaimer stating not to rely on either of them to hold one's body weight. This page has automated rope tying itself into all sorts of splendid knots. Find the fast/slow button on the bottom or else go through the steps one at a time.

Surely this would be just the thing for a sluggish brain in dark January.

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