Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Day

He Who Must Be Obeyed and I were surrounded by seven of our family members yesterday. We shared meals, exchanged gifts and enjoyed one another and the presence of Zoey Jane, nearly three month old. Then as our family festivities wound down to a close we raced to St. Timothy's for the candle light celebration of another small babe, come to the world so long ago, but so foremost in many minds this day.

Being a restless sleeper and using more AA batteries than is imaginable, I woke up to my headset heralding Christmas morning with Grace Matters and Martin Marty out of Chicago. Following that was the welcome message from a Lincoln, NE mainline church and that pastor advising us to let God be small and grow in our own hearts. Nice point, I thought.

Things being a bit out of kilter during the days of December, I made moan about the fact that we hadn't heard any Christmas concerts performed by Omaha's fine choral groups. Staying home and paying some attention to our PBS television and radio offerings, I have heard and seen some breath-takingly beautiful performances of sacred Christmas music. The first was the St. Olaf Choir singing in Trondhiem, Norway, in the Nidaros Cathedral. After being there with my school friend from 1948 or '49, it was enough to make me gasp for the beauty of it.

Today the Concordia College of Moorhead, MN Christmas Concert kissed the air in our little home. What a heritage we have in our Lutheran College Music departments, and what talented students are sent to attend them by sacrificing parents of the midwest and around the world.

It is indeed, a Merry Christmas!

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