Sunday, April 10, 2005

Remembering Names

My altar guild tasks were at the 11:00 service this morning, giving me some time to watch CBS Sunday Morning. During the commercials I drop down one channel to CSpan II's Book TV. First I get the good and bad according to CBS and then in little commercial length snippets I get the harangue from Colorado, the wishful phony Oglala called Churchill. I was going to remember his name with a little image of Winston peeking out of a cell still orating. His name is Ward Churchill, as in mental ward.

He equated the scene at Wounded Knee with the one at the Nazi concentration camps. He was quick to say that the numbers were not the same but the photos were similar. If you haven't seen the Sioux photos at Wall Drug or photographs at the Jim Gatchell Museum in Buffalo, Wyoming, you have an awesome display awaiting you. The Wounded Knee photographs taken by the Cavalry were horrific and I agree with him about that.

It would be nice if Churchill liked our country just a little. I realize I am like Pollyanna, wanting everything to be for good. Something in me does not like to listen to people rail on our nation's past and current errors. He does not look, nor sound, to me like a person that has a good handle on morality. Maybe he should be researching what is happening with Colorado's football recruiting and harp on that a while. I really find him irritating.

He had a litany of U.S. Cavalry slaughtering Indians in the West. He even mentioned the Battle of the Slim Buttes. My mind latched on to the Battle of the Crow Buttes which was between two Indian tribes. I could probably sharpen my listening skills.

Nonetheless my mental image to recall his name works.

1 comment:

Cordelia said...

Dear Willoboe,

I wrote a description of how I added my links to my sidebar, but can't send it as a comment because the comment section will not allow any lines of "server side scripting. I tried to e-mail you, but no e-mail address popped up in the bar reading "friends e-mail address." I have just created one for myself: It is not added to my site, but if you have a way of e-mailing me that you feel comfortable with, I will send you back a copy of what I have. Otherwise, I discovered how to do it by clicking "help" on the dashboard, and writing "add links" in the search box. Best wishes ! & Please feel free to delete this "comment." I just had no other way of communicating...