Saturday, April 09, 2005

Still A Beginning Blogger

I can't figure out the things I want to do with this blog. I am not reading the instructions with any understanding. It is a foreign language. I want to run a list of my favorite bloggers on the side. I have only added one photo and that was just dumb luck, I still have no idea how it happened. It is probably good not to give up, but after nearly a year I get a little discouraged. The only thing I have learned for sure is how to string mindless sentences together and how to include a hyperlink.

Some of my favorite bloggers remain in my top ten list, even though they do not appear on my blog. Always at the top is the Salty Vicar, now on vacation. Real Live Preacher is perhaps next; there are an endless group of thoughtful and interesting people blogging with knowledge of life, philosophy, and the mechanics of making blogs do what they want them to.

People are writing books based on their blogs. A dead friend's grandson has a book out there called "Group Hug." It started as sort of a confessional blog. Real Live Preacher has published a book. Judging from his blog, it is undoubtedly worthwhile and well written. He has an article in The Christian Century called "Personal Space." The Salty Vicar has been queried about writing a book from a publishing company. Good blogs, like cream rise to the top.

Today a generous check came in the mail from a former Congregational pastor in my SD home town. He wants one of the "Axel Sacrison: Artist and Blacksmith" books. In the envelope was a photograph of another of the paintings that I did not know about. The amazing little connections to my parents and Buffalo, SD make life rewarding and good.

One of the three women named Willo from the area where I was born and schooled has died. She married a rancher. On that ranch a few years ago a dinosaur was found and named Willo, the dinosaur with a heart. Later, I think the heart turned out to be a rock, at any rate it was as hard as a rock. It was found in the Hell Creek formation.

Willo from Hell Creek, with a heard heart. Kind of like a song, don't you think? Now there is one less Willo. The name Willow is gaining popularity, probably from that odd movie a few years ago, and also from that pretty news anchor on that cable news network, Willow Bay.

If you are wondering what the below is all about, you are not alone. I can't get it where it belongs. I don't know whether to leave it alone or delete it.

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